
In fifteen years' time, people over 65 will make up a quarter of the Quebec population. This demographic ageing is not a catastrophe if we take today's reality as a starting point, as the majority of seniors are autonomous, socially active, economically independent and contributing members of society. Nearly 90% of them live at home. However, we will have to adapt our structures and services to this new reality, which will lead to increased demand for long-term care and homecare services.
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Defending rights

Despite the accelerating pace of population aging, governments are slow to implement concrete measures and adopt policies to defend and protect the rights of seniors. The Coalition for the Dignity of Seniors believes that our society must quickly adapt to this new demographic reality and ensure that seniors age with dignity.
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For seniors to age with dignity, they need decent incomes, i.e. above the low-income cut-off, which ranges from $24,083 to $32,682 after tax for a single person. However, a person aged 65 and over who is entitled only to the Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) has around $18,000, well below this threshold.
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Citizen participation

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted ageism in society's treatment of seniors. They felt particularly infantilized, and suffered more isolation than ever before. This feeling is not new, however, as seniors are rarely part of the equation in public policy, in the cultural milieu or in the planning of our territories.
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Maintien à domicile

La conclusion récente du mandat spécial de la Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être (CSBE) sur le soutien à domicile dote la Coalition d’une ardeur renouvelée à enfin voir des actions concrètes êtres mises en oeuvre afin d’améliorer l’accessibilité et l’efficacité des soins et services à domicile attendus par les aînés et leurs proches. Ce grand virage, maintes fois annoncé par nos décideurs, tarde indéniablement à se matérialiser.
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Joint statement

At the dawn of the greatest demographic challenge of the modern era, and for the first time in Quebec, a diversity of civil society players, elected officials and experts from all walks of life have come together to discuss the urgent need for action and the means to be undertaken to ensure the dignity of seniors in all aspects of their lives.
  • Article 1

    That absolute priority be given to home support to ensure the dignity and safety of seniors, while respecting the right of everyone to live and age where they wish, for as long as possible.

  • Article 2

    Universal public funding of health care and services for seniors. The federal government must also increase health transfers. Finally, the various levels of government must act in concert and promptly in the interests of seniors.

  • Article 3

    That the quality of care be improved in long-term care facilities. Diversified and humane housing models must be offered. In all cases, people's decision-making autonomy and rights must be respected.

  • Article 4

    That seniors have access to financial security and a viable income.

  • Article 5

    That the social inclusion and civic participation of seniors be recognized as a major contributor to health and aging well.

  • Article 6

    That action be taken to counter the isolation of seniors, and that Quebec society commit to its collective responsibility with regard to time spent with seniors.

  • Article 7

    That good treatment becomes a fundamental value of Quebec society, by putting an end to ageism and abuse in all its forms.

  • Article 8 

    May Quebec remember the victims of COVID-19 and distinguish itself by seniors' satisfaction with the public services provided to them.

The mobilization for the dignity of seniors must continue over the coming days, months and years. It's an entire society that is concerned, and one that must make profound changes.

Because living also means growing old, and everyone deserves to grow old with dignity.
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