Micheline Germain
Association des retraitées et retraités de l’éducation et des autres services publics du Québec
Micheline Germain was elected President of AREQ in June 2023 for a three-year term. Previously, she held various elective positions within the Association, including President of the Drummondville sector (2017-2021) and Secretary of AREQ's National Executive Board (2021-2023). In the course of her volunteer work, she has assumed responsibility for issues such as the environment and sustainable development, as well as the status of women.
Retired since 2007, Ms. Germain is a teacher by training. Over the course of her career, she has been a union delegate and has participated in various committees, networks and bodies, both at the level of her local union and that of the Fédération des syndicats de l'enseignement (FSE-CSQ) and the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ).

Pierre Lynch
Association québécoise de défense des droits des retraités et préretraités
Pierre Lynch holds a Bachelor of Teaching degree in Physical Education. After a career in teaching, he held management and executive positions in customer service, training, operations and information technology with major companies such as Via Rail, Sodema du groupe Transcontinental, Sitel, McKesson & Tyco.
Since his retirement in 2010, he has volunteered with various advocacy organizations. He currently holds the positions of National President of the AQDR, President of the Laval-Laurentides chapter of the AQDR, President of the CSSS de Laval Users' Committee, President of the CISSS de Laval Users' Committee and designated member of the CISSS de Laval Board of Directors.
In 2021, the Table de concertation des aînés de Laval and the Quebec government awarded her the Prix hommage aînés for the Laval region, which recognizes the exceptional contribution of a senior in each of Quebec's 18 regions.

Paul-René Roy
Association québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic (AQRP)
Paul-René Roy is an economist by training. In 1970, he joined the Quebec civil service, where he worked for 35 years, mainly as a manager in the administrative, contractual, financial and budgetary sectors. During his time in public administration, Mr. Roy contributed to the drafting of the Public Administration Act. He was also an associate instructor at the École nationale d'administration publique (ENAP) from 1999 to 2012.
Throughout his career and since his retirement, he has been and continues to be a volunteer in a number of organizations where he has held important positions, including First Vice-President of the Fédération des commissions scolaires, President of the Friends of the Musée de la civilisation de Québec, President of the Maison des Aînés de Lévis and President of the Coopérative de services Rive-Sud in Lévis.
Upon his retirement in 2004, the former manager became a member of the Association québécoise des retraité(e)s des secteurs public et parapublic (AQRP). He was a volunteer there until 2014, the year he decided to become a member of the Chaudière-Appalaches regional council, of which he became president in 2018. A member of the AQRP board of directors, he became first vice-president in 2019, and since June 2022, Paul-René Roy has been proud to serve as AQRP's provincial president.

Michel Gobeil
Association québécoise des directeurs et directrices d’établissement d’enseignement retraités
After 12 years of teaching, from kindergarten to high school and also in vocational training, Mr. Michel Gobeil became an educational institution director. For 26 years, he managed primary and secondary schools, adult education centers (FGA) and vocational training centers (FP), as well as holding the position of Director of Adult Education. He has carried out 2 international assignments (Togo, Haiti) in the field of professional skills development for school principals and vocational training.
He has been involved with the Service d'animation Jeunesse de l'Outaouais since 2005. He has been president of the organization for 5 years. From 2010 to 2016, he worked with the Association québécoise de directeurs d'établissement de l'ouest du Québec as a labour relations advisor.
In 2018, Michel Gobeil was elected to the Board of Directors of AQDER national. He will serve as Treasurer until June 2022. Since June 2022, he has held the position of President of AQDER national.

Andrée Lamontagne
Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenantes retraitées des services de santé
Nurse, having practiced her profession for 36 years at the Centre hospitalier régional de Rimouski (CHRR). She was president of the CHRR nurses' union, a member of the CHRR ethics committee, a member of the CHRR occupational health and safety committee, a gyneco-obstetrics teacher at the Centre de formation professionnelle de Rimouski and a member of the work organization committee.
Since retirement, she has been a director of the Centre de Cancer du Bas St-Laurent, treasurer of the Table de Concertation des Aînés du Bas St-Laurent (TCABSL), regional president of the Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenantes retraitées de la santé du Bas St-Laurent, Gaspésie, les Iles de la Madeleine and a Radio-Canada radio commentator in Rimouski. She has been President of the Regroupement interprofessionnel des intervenantes retraitées des services de la santé (RIIRS) since 2012, a member of the Tribune des retraités representing retiree organizations, a retiree representative on the Retraite Québec committee for the RREGOP and a member of the Observatoire de la Retraite.

Mireille Beaulac
Alliance des associations de retraités
With a Master's degree in Education (M.Ed.), Mireille Beaulac worked for the Ministère de l'Éducation and the Office des services de garde (now the Ministère de la Famille) as a professional and manager. Since her retirement, she has sat on the Board of Directors of the Association des professionnelles et professionnels retraités du Québec (APRQ), and was President of the organization's Montreal Regional Council for some ten years. In addition, she served for several years on the Table régionale de concertation des aînés de la Montérégie (TRCAM) and on the Conseil des aînés de la Conférence régionale des Élus (CRÉ) de l'agglomération de Longueuil, of which she was president. She is a founding member of the Coopérative de solidarité en habitation Montérégie/Rive-Sud.
For the past 15 years, she has sat on the Board of Directors of the Alliance des associations de retraités(AAR) and has been its President for the past six years. She has also been a member of the Conseil des aînés de la Ville de Boucherville since 2016.